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JA0007 Internal Hydrolysis Indicator for Sample Specific Monitoring of Beta-Glucuronidase Activity
来源:Journal of Analytical Toxicology | 作者:Taylor et al. | 发布时间: 1716天前 | 2033 次浏览 | 分享到:
Metabolized forms of benzodiazepines (benzos) can cause issues with mass spectrometry identification. Benzodiazepines undergo a process called glucuronidation during metabolism that attaches a glucuronic acid for increased solubility. Often in clinical testing an enzymatic hydrolysis step is implemented to increase the sensitivity of benzodiazepines by hydrolyzing β-D-glucuronic acid from benzodiazepine-glucuronide conjugates in urine samples using the β-Glucuronidase enzyme. In this study resorufin β-D-glucuronide, a substrate of the β-Glucuronidase enzyme, was added to patient samples to determine if proper hydrolysis had occurred. The presence of resorufin as an Internal Hydrolysis Indicator (IHI) shows the activity and efficiency of the enzyme in each patient sample. Synthetic/patient urine samples were obtained and mixed with hydrolysis buffer containing resorufin β-D-glucuronide. The β-Glucuronidase enzyme was used to hydrolyze the benzodiazepine analytes as well as resorufin β-D-glucuronide. The enzymatic hydrolysis addition increased the positivity rate of benzodiazepines by 42.5%. The β-Glucuronidase substrate resorufin (IHI) displayed variability in area counts between patient samples. Comparative studies with internal standards and resorufin (IHI) showed no correlation between recovery and analyte variability. Hydrolysis reactions greatly improved the sensitivity of benzodiazepines by liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis. The large variation in resorufin (IHI) area counts amongst patient samples indicates possible variability in enzymatic hydrolysis activity. The enzymatic hydrolysis step is a part of the extraction procedure and should be controlled for in each patient sample.